Surviving Spectacles: remnants of Roman entertainment through the lens of Carole Raddato

Surviving Spectacles highlights the rich and varied survivals of structures, tools, and representations associated with spectacle in Rome and its expansive empire. Focusing on the amphitheatre, circus, and theatre, the exhibition presents a sample of Carole Radato's rich portfolio of photographs from across the ancient world. Explore the virtual exhibition space to travel from Rome to Pompeii, Augusta Emerita, and Lugdunum. 

As you venture through the virtual exhibition space, click any image to access a high-resolution version of the photograph and explore additional information about the subject's history and function.

Learn more about Carole Raddato and her ongoing 21-year journey following Hadrian's footsteps under the "About Carole Raddato" tab. 


All photographs by Carole Raddato [Following Hadrian] | curated by Jacqueline Giz